Thursday, December 11, 2014

Try roasting radishesin a grill pan then dump them in olive oil and tons ofchopped parsley.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Long Island medium, Theresa, comes to shop at Chef Fran's Kitchenware and see what comes next

Ms. Long Island Medium was shopping for some kitchen basics for her son larry as he was getting ready for his new home without mom Theresa and with his girl friend. So we did shopping , not too pushy but basic things that a long island mom would do for her child. Well you know us mom's we helicopter over out kids maybe a little too long, but that's us. theresa is not the  exception. Then the kerplow, she's "reading me", it was eye opening and very on target an ofcourse very moving.
Look for us on Long Island Medium coming soon